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Why choose Cyberfort Consultancy?

Cyberfort consultants have decades of experience and are knowledgeable in every aspect of cybersecurity and technology. In the public sector, we work with the largest of government departments, non-departmental public bodies and projects of critical national infrastructure. Our private sector work is equally wide-ranging, including blue-chip and FTSE companies, SMEs and agile technology start-ups.

The consultants you meet for your initial consultation will work closely with you throughout the engagement to ensure we understand your business, work in line with your strategy and assess cyber and data-related risks appropriately and proportionately without draining your internal resources.

Providing practical advice we’ll debrief you of our findings, and provide a report written in a way that can be used to brief the Board or be used by your team to address any issues identified and allocate budgets and resource.

What is the NCSC?

The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) is a cybersecurity agency in the United Kingdom. Its primary function is to provide advice and support to the UK government, businesses and the public in order to enhance the country’s cybersecurity posture and protect against cyber threats.

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