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Is your Cloud costing you more than you expected?

Let’s discuss the cost/billing model provided by public cloud operators such as Amazon (AWS), Microsoft (Azure) and Google (GCP). Whilst a pay-as-you consume model can provide the highest level of flexibility and instant elasticity and expansion within service provision, you may have discovered the downside is the lack of ability to predict ongoing costs?

Budgeted expenditure on cloud based resources and services can quickly spiral out of control leaving some businesses facing a challenge meeting forecasted and future budgets. In worse cases, a business will find they have a complete lack of control over their expenditure and large unexpected charges occurring.

With Cyberfort’s MCX service, we provide a set resource base for a set monthly fee, meaning organisations can budget each project accurately and avoid the unexpected charges the pay-as-you consume model can attract. Similarly to the public cloud offerings, MCX provides its users with the ability to increase the compute, storage and connectivity resources so they are able to expand as their demands dictate. However, unlike public cloud this is done in a controlled way, with expansion costs clearly defined and detailed ahead of any unforeseen charges arriving.

What can we do for you?

With Cyberfort’s MCX service, we provide a set resource base for a set monthly fee, meaning organisations can budget each project accurately and avoid the unexpected charges the pay-as-you consume model can attract. Similarly to the public cloud offerings, MCX provides its users with the ability to increase the compute, storage and connectivity resources so they are able to expand as their demands dictate. However, unlike public cloud this is done in a controlled way, with expansion costs clearly defined and detailed ahead of any unforeseen charges arriving.

Click here to download White Paper.

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