Keep networks, infrastructure, IoT data and Operating Technology environments secure and compliant through proactive cyber security services
Digital transformation is happening at scale across manufacturing businesses as they look to differentiate themselves against the competition and deliver products for customers in the industries they serve. The digital transformation programmes in place for many manufacturers are promising improved connectivity, increased levels of employee productivity, faster identification and remediation of quality defects through IoT data, and integration of legacy Industrial Operational Technology environments.
At Cyberfort we work with manufacturers to help them identify, deploy and manage the right cyber security tools, processes and controls so they can ensure their networks, infrastructure, IoT data and OT environments are secure and compliant.
Why Cyberfort?
Legacy systems not built to be externally connected
We help manufacturers to review their legacy systems, the networks they are connected to as well as IoT/OT sensors to ensure the right security detection, monitoring and patching policies are in place to reduce the opportunity of cyber-attacks happening.
Existing network architectures not designed with IoT data security considerations
We work with manufacturers to review networks and data being collected from IoT technology which has been deployed against security and industry compliance standards. We create the right security models to ensure IoT data is secure and compliant from when it leaves OT environments to be being stored in data centres and cloud computing environments.
New software being deployed into OT environments
We enable manufacturers to perform security simulation exercises on software which is going to be deployed in OT environments, assess entry points and channels attackers may use and assess operational response capabilities. This results in the adoption of a risk based approach to managing new software into OT environments.
Unauthorised access to MRP systems
Materials Requirement Planning (MRP) is crucial for Manufacturing success. We work with Manufacturers to create the right identity and access management policies to data. We enable IT teams to easily manage user access and ensure the right levels of security are managed across MRP system perimeters to stop attackers entering via external networks.